The Intensive Training of International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS)

Training Objectives

  • The course aims to provide an intensive training program that will serve all accounting professionals working in the Public Sector Entities, subsidiaries, and non-profit enterprises transferring from Cash to Accrual Accounting basis as per Vision 2030 and in compliance with International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS).


22 days



Training Methodology & Qualified Trainers

  • The intensive training program of IPSAS has been developed by using innovative tools and customizing the content to meet the learning expectations of the training audience. The course will assist the different levels of accounting professional working in Governmental entities in understanding, examining the requirements, and applying the International Public Sector Accounting Standards. Training audience should be able to provide sufficient and reliable information to the users of financial statements and verifying the objectives and financial reports.
  • The training course is provided by leading expert specialists. Alrikaz trainers are the center of our business, so they provide exceptional services to our clients which helps to achieve our purpose in providing effective training services that reflect on a better performance in the everyday business.

This Training is Designed for Professionals already Working in the Financial/ Accounting field such as

  • Accountants and employees working in the financial field at all levels and participating in the financial statements’ preparation.
  • Trainers who would like to expand their knowledge of the IPSAS standards.
  • Fresh graduates in accounting and finance who aim to work in public sector entities.
  • Professionals aim to implement and maintain the International Public Sector Accounting Standards
  • Internal auditors and consultants dealing with financial reports.

Program workshop details

Accreditation No. 19134814

Workshop Targets

  1. Clarify the training program and educational program objectives and define the accounting framework of international standards in the public sector and its components
  2. Clarify the presentation and requirements of the financial statements in accordance with the accrual basis and international standards in the public sector
  3. Clarify the methods for measuring, recording, and disclosing the items of tangible and intangible assets and the associated standards and treatments

Main Subjects

  1. The context of financial reporting for public sector units
  2. Financial statements on an accrual basis
  3. Accounting for tangible and intangible assets
Statement of Financial Performance Reference framework and objectives of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board.
Statement of Financial Position The link between international financial statements standards, international accounting standards and international public sector accounting standards.
Statement of Owners’ Equity The International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board objective in developing high-quality accounting standards.
International Public Sector Accounting Standard No. (30): Financial Instruments: Disclosures. Exposure drafts & consultation papers
International Public Sector Accounting Standard No. (17): Property, Plant and Equipment. Conceptual framework of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board for general purpose financial reporting by public sector entities
International Public Sector Accounting Standard No. (5): Borrowing Costs. Introduction to International Public Sector Accounting Standards.
International Public Sector Accounting Standard No. (13): Leases. Recommended practice guideline.
International Public Sector Accounting Standard No. (31): Intangible Assets. International Public Sector Accounting Standard No. (1): Presentation of Financial Statements.
International Public Sector Accounting Standard No. (16): Investment property. Revenue and Capital

Days: 6 – Hours per day: 5 – Total Hours: 30

Accreditation No. 19137695

Workshop Targets

  1. Clarify the methods of measuring, recording, and disclosing accounting items for impairment in the value of assets and the associated standards and treatments
  2. Defining, clarifying, measuring, and disclosing the nature of revenues and the distinction between their types and the criteria associated with them
  3. Defining, clarifying, measuring, and disclosing the nature of accounting policies, treatment of changes and errors, inventory accounts and valuation, criteria for critical assets and subsequent events, and treatment of service concessions

Main Subjects

  1. Accounting for impairment of assets
  2. Accounting for revenue and allowances
  3. Inventory accounting, accounting policies and subsequent events
International Public Sector Accounting Standard No. (21): Impairment of Non-Cash-Generating Assets. International Public Sector Accounting Standard No. (12): Inventories.
International Public Sector Accounting Standard No. (26): Impairment of Cash-Generating Assets. International Public Sector Accounting Standard No. (14): Events after the reporting date.
International Public Sector Accounting Standard No. (19): Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets. International Public Sector Accounting Standard No. (4): The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates.
International Public Sector Accounting Standard No. (9): Revenue from exchange transactions. International Public Sector Accounting Standard No. (10): Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies.
International Public Sector Accounting Standard No. (23): Revenue from Non-Exchange Transactions (Taxes and Transfers). International Public Sector Accounting Standard No. (27): Agriculture.
International Public Sector Accounting Standard No. (11): Construction contracts. International Public Sector Accounting Standard No. (32): Service Concession Arrangements: Grantor.
International Public Sector Accounting Standard No. (3): Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors.

Days: 5 – Hours per day: 5 – Total Hours: 25

Accreditation No. 19133527

Workshop Targets

  1. Clarify the methods of measuring, recording, and disclosing items, accounting treatments for the components of the consolidated financial statements, disclosure, investments, standards, and treatments associated with them
  2. Clarify the methods of measuring, recording, and disclosing the items and the accounting treatments for the direct and indirect cash flow statement items
  3. Clarify the methods of measuring, recording, and disclosing items and accounting treatments for financial information, financial instruments, and related parties, and analyzing and disclosing the sectors of the entity

Main Subjects

  1. Consolidated Financial Statements
  2. Cash-flow Statement
  3. Report and disclosure of financial performance and financial position
International Public Sector Accounting Standard No. (18): Segment reporting. International Public Sector Accounting Standard No. (34): Separate Financial Statements.
International Public Sector Accounting Standard No. (20): Related Party Disclosures. International Public Sector Accounting Standard No. (35): Consolidated Financial Statements.
International Public Sector Accounting Standard No. (22): Disclosure of Financial Information about the General Government Sector. International Public Sector Accounting Standard No. (36): Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures.
International Public Sector Accounting Standard No. (24): Presentation of Budget Information in Financial Statements. International Public Sector Accounting Standard No. (37): Joint Arrangements.
International Public Sector Accounting Standard No. (28): Financial Instruments: Presentation. International Public Sector Accounting Standard No. (38): Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities.
International Public Sector Accounting Standard No. (33): First-time Adoption of Accrual Basis IPSAS. International Public Sector Accounting Standard (40): Public Sector Combinations.
International Public Sector Accounting Standard No. (39): Employees Benefits. International Public Sector Accounting Standard No. (2): Cash Flow Statements.
International Public Sector Accounting Standard No. (29): Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement.

Days: 6 – Hours per day: 5 – Total Hours: 30

Accreditation No. 19136746

Workshop Targets

  1. Includes revised accounting interpretations and treatments approved by those responsible for the International Public Sector Standards Board
  2. Various applications and practical cases of using the accounting worksheet to prepare settlement and closing entries

Main Subjects

  1. Other topics and instructions
International Financial Reporting Standards No. 1: Initial Financial Reporting Recommended Practice Guidelines Set up settlement constraints
Report on the entity’s long-term financial sustainability (1) Recommended Practice Guidelines Set up closing restrictions for accounts
Discussion and Analysis of Financial Statements (2) Recommended Practice Guidelines Trial balance after closing entries
(3) Reporting Service Performance Information Preparing the financial statements and final accounts from the revised trial balance
International Public Sector Accounting Standard (41): Financial Instruments. Various practical cases
International Public Sector Accounting Standard (42): Social Benefits. Case Studies (1)
Accounting entries for major transactions and closing and reconciling accounts Case Studies (2)

Days: 5 – Hours per day: 5 – Total Hours: 23

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